Friday, May 15, 2009

Maya puede gatear!!! y mas...

Bueno, hoy voy a poner muchos videos y fotos pq ya hace monton que no pongo nada!! Para empezar, Maya ya empezo a gatear, ya tiene como casi mas de 3 semanas que empezo a gatear y ahora anda con mas rapidez y confianza, tambien busca cualquier cosa para jalarse para pararse... pues ya quiere caminar!! voy a poner algunos videos para que uds lo vean para si mismos...
que disfruten!!

This is Maya, the expert jumper and her Daddy, the expert at "no touch giggling" =)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Los Abuelos Saldana...

So we went to Mexico at the end of March to visit the grandparents... of course, since I'm just now writing about the visit 2 months later.. I don't remember a whole lot of details... we stayed 5 days and basically just visited a lot of family, went to the waterpark (but we forgot to take pictures of Maya actually in the pool!) and visited more family... It was HOT of course but we survived and had lots of fun!!

Maya's beautiful hairdo done by mom =) with the new clips given to us by Grandma Saldana, Gracias abuelita!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Callaway Gardens - Pine, GA

So we went to Callaway Gardens in February, it's in Pine, GA, about an hour outside of Atlanta. We had a great time. Maya borrowed a couple of crayons while Eric & I were distracted and brought them with her as souveniers, and as always, she made a couple of fans....  We didn't have time to visit all of the interesting places down there, but it we had lots of fun!!

New gifts, fun in the bath

Maya the punk rocker!! hehe... just having some fun during bathtime! 

Presents from Honduras! Thanks Rixa! Maya loves the crayons!

Just like daddy when I wake up =)  

Maybe I'll be drummer just like daddy too... Thanks Mom for the little drum set!

ok, that's all for now, no more pictures please! No autographs either... hehe =)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's time to Jump! Jump!

About 3 weeks ago we bought Maya a little jumper that hangs from the doorway and this was her first attempt... she's so talented, she started jumping on one foot! hehe.. =)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Primer encuentro con la cuchara

Le empezamos a dar comida "verdadera" a Maya hace unas semanas... aqui esta comiendo aguacate por primera vez.. como puedes ver... le gusta mucho!  jejeje
pero en verdad, su favorita hasta la fecha es el platano, eso si le encanta.  

El lunes pasado llevamos a Maya al pediatra y pesa 8 kilos ya!! y mide 65 cm.  asi que dice que esta bien saludable =)  De hecho, ahora tiene una barriguita de budda y le digo mi buddita! 
Ah, tambien, Maya ya tiene un nuevo amigo... se llama Mazooda y es de Palestina... bueno sus padres, el nacio aca en los estados, solo es 2 dias menor que Maya, pero es mucho mas grande...pues sus papas son mas grandes que los de Maya ;)  

Al final de Enero fuimos a un partido de basketball de los Atlanta Hawks contra los Toronto Raptors... y por supuesto ganaron los Hawks!!  Go Hawks!!  jeje... al principio del partido sueltan al halcon y da la vuelta por el estadio... 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Good Life

doesn't she look so comfortable??

Maya is really such a happy baby... and I feel so blessed by that... I wonder if our next child will be more work since taking care of Maya has really been pretty easy so far... but maybe not, maybe her nature is just a reflection of her parents... let's hope it's that!!

Maya's first time eating cereal... she wanted to do it all by herself!

I think Maya just gets goofier as she gets older and she keeps Eric and I from taking ourselves too seriously.  I cut her hair for the first time last week, but just in the back cuz it was getting so long!  So, as for other news, Eric got a 91 on the TOEFL, which is a great score considering he only needed a 66! He's now in the process of applying to the LDS Business College and if accepted, we'll be moving to Salt Lake City... not excited about the moving part but it might be nice to be out West again... we'll see when the time comes.  That's about it for now... later!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Post Christmas Time

So Christmas and New Year's have come and gone and so I figure its time for me to stop procrastinating and update this blog with all the many wonderfully exciting things that happened over the holidays and... post some very cute pictures of the cutest baby ever!!! 

It was COLD in Tucson!  Can you believe it? 

Ok, well, we all boarded the plane for Tucson, AZ... better known as the wild wild west!  It was Maya's first plane ride so I was a little nervous about how it would go but everything went well.  We flew into Phoenix and my mom went to pick us up and we decided to go and see the Mesa temple, we walked around the grounds, visited the visitor's center and even waited until it got dark so we could see the lights and boy was it worth it!  It was so breathtaking... the pictures don't do it justice... but isn't that true of most things?  

In the visitor's center we took a picture standing in front of the Christus, I remember when I was a little girl about 6 years old, we lived about 2 blocks away from the Mesa temple and my mom and I used to go to the visitor's center often and I remember standing in front of this same great statue of Christ in awe, I was so amazed, just mesmerized and so peaceful too!  It was great to visit again and re live some of those memories...


Anyways, we finally left for Tucson and got there that night and pretty much just went straight for bed.  The next day (Christmas Eve day) we went to my dad's work because they were having their annual Christmas party.  Maya got a little stuffed dog, it's really soft and cute but of course, all she wanted to do was eat it !! haha... Christmas day was relaxed and instead of a "traditional" Christmas dinner we had lasagna.  go figure... but it was good.   Then we opened all of our presents... I got lotion (which they later took away from me at the airport since I was trying to smuggle it through security in my UNCHECKED luggage!! but of course, nothing can get past them, except for Eric's hair gel and so they took it out of my bag and gave me 2 choices: check the bag or get rid of the lotion... since checking even one bag now costs a healthy 15 bucks I opted for riding the world of my sweet smelling lotion and the airport security lady chucked it in the trash right in front of me!  oh the pain of money wasted!!! anyways, I guess I learned my lesson... back to the story now)  Maya got some car keys and one of those stackable toys and Eric got the 3rd season of LOST!  

The next day I took Eric on a personal tour of the U of A and we ate dinner at Karuna's Thai Restaurant, the best restaurant in Tucson!!  We also headed up to Mt. Lemon to see if we could romp around in the snow, but had to go up pretty high and didn't find much but we did manage to make a couple of snowballs.. but no snow angels.... Maya was at home taking a nap during this outing so she missed out this time but there'll be a next time for sure and hopefully to some place more snow worthy like Minnesota!!!

As for New Year's, we decided to go low key and just hung out at home to ring in the New Year!  

I've decided my next blog should be in Spanish since like at least half of the people I've sent the link for this blog are strictly Spanish speakers and most of the other half are bilingual!! so I think it's time I stop leaving them out of our exciting news... jeje  signing off now...